
What are the early symptoms of gastric ulcers?

The clinical manifestations of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer is somewhat similar, but have their own special characteristics.

1. Clinical Features The clinical manifestations of gastric ulcer had 3 characteristics: ① chronic process. Anywhere from a few years, as many as 10 years or longer. ② periodicity. Course of the disease often occur exacerbation alternating with remission. ③ rhythm: manifested as pain, postprandial pain, postprandial pain began half an hour to disappear the next meal, again and again. Mainly for the symptoms of ulcer pain; with or without vomiting, nausea, acid reflux, belching and other symptoms. But there are many patients with gastric ulcer complications such as perforation, bleeding, pyloric obstruction and as the first symptoms.

2. Clinical symptoms and signs

(1) does not apply to upper abdominal pain: gastric ulcer pain is a visceral nature of the pain, surface positioning inaccurate, while more non-severe pain that can endure, to burning kind of pain, pain discomfort. Active with the rhythm, manifested as postprandial pain, with the development of the pathological characteristics of cyclical and seasonal. Ulcer near the cardia can be expressed as substernal burning sensation, and left chest pain. When the ulcer penetration, expressed as increased pain, radiation to back or back pain, pain at night performance at the same time, when the pain of the nature and rhythm changes, you should also guard against the possibility of malignancy.

(2) nausea and vomiting: no pyloric obstruction and vomiting prompted more active ulcer stage, intermittent vomiting. Pyloric obstruction prompted more frequent vomiting.

(3), acid regurgitation, belching, diarrhea: acid reflux may also suggest in the active ulcer.

(4) bleeding and perforation: bleeding, perforation has its unique clinical features, see the section on complications.

(5) signs: positive signs in general no remission. Active light upper abdominal tenderness only. It should be noted line of investigation and inspection of anal Virchow lymph node enlargement, in line with differentiated gastric cancer.

1. Clinical features appear deep in the 2h postprandial upper abdominal pain, usually no abnormal signs.

2. Auxiliary examination in the diagnosis mainly depends on history of ulcer symptoms, endoscopy with biopsy, barium meal examination. Another measurement of gastric acid, serum gastrin, serum calcium measurement has certain diagnostic and differential diagnostic significance. In recent years, along with the application of electronic endoscopy, high rate of diagnosis of gastric ulcer.

