Ulcer disease is a common chronic systemic diseases, were divided into gastric and duodenal ulcers, also known as peptic ulcer. It is called a peptic ulcer, because of previous gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer that was due to gastric acid and pepsin digestion on the formation of mucous membrane itself, in fact, gastric acid and pepsin is only one of the main ulcer formation There are other reasons for the formation of ulcer disease. Are some of the major lifestyle and drug habits.
1 inappropriate medication. Do not adhere to medication, not strictly comply with medical advice, frequently changing medication, or symptoms improved slightly discontinued immediately and affect ulcer healing.
2, emotional impact. Mental stress, emotional volatility, excessive fatigue, all adverse effects on the cerebral cortex, gastrointestinal mucosa caused reflex vascular spasm, mucosal ischemia, is not conducive to food digestion and influence the healing of ulcers.
3, life, irregular diet. The total number of patients cured of duodenal ulcer that everything will be fine, then do not pay attention to life and dietary laws, the fact because it caused gastric ulcer recurrence rate was 90%, such as hunger, as usual fasting gastric acid secretion, high concentration of gastric juice without food due to release rare, medium, and the erosion of gastric mucosa and ulcers; fullness, increased the burden on the stomach when.
4, smoking. Excessive smoking can lead to duodenal ulcer recurrence, because smoking can lead to the foundation and increase the maximum amount of gastric acid secretion, and the impact on ulcer healing, causing ulcer bleeding, we can see that: Smoking is one cause of gastric ulcer an important factor.