
The first bleeding: I spit blood out!

I was only a high school sophomore, is a cold winter. Just past year, for a student, I was particularly pleased, and received a lot of red packets, but there are many delicious New Year at home.

Eat a lot of things these days, but it seems good things are hot air. Start the night before onset Kegua Zi, found the more seeds the more knock the taste, but later found a little uncomfortable, estimated to be too hot, and quickly took cold medicine at home (forget what the drug was, anyway, is to eat a cold town antipyretic pain medication), did not expect to eat a more uncomfortable. Mood began to tangle, large Chinese New Year, the weather can not go out and play well. Finally a good point at noon, riding a bike to take out "red envelopes of money."

On the way back a little bit wrong, straight forehead sweating and vomiting. Estimated in the mirror I must be like a pale white. I take a pause cycling, appeared to be at home, the result could not help the roadside need something a mess. Look at their own vomit, "half-digested" food, as well as above a drop of red blood. Heart suddenly cold, I spit blood out. Suddenly occurred to me two days before the stool seems a bit unusual, is black, is it that I like on TV bleeding. Fear slowly eroded my heart, do I die before I high school sophomore ah!

I finally struggled in fear to return home, with my mother explained, "vomiting blood" experience, I was quickly get to the hospital. Into the hospital, I Dr. Ren You mercy, inspection, injection, into the ward. Finally, doctors

