Some drugs take effect because of their special way, not only can not drink plenty of water when taking medicine, or even do not drink, otherwise it will reduce the efficacy, loss of its therapeutic effect. For example, some of the treatment of gastric ulcer drug - sucralfate and aluminum hydroxide gel.
Hospital pharmacists explained that the suspension of these medicines are being made into the stomach will not dissolve into a myriad of small particles, the same as the powder covered the damaged gastric mucosa, so that erosion of gastric mucosa to gastric acid from and slowly grow new tissue to fill ulcers and restore its original function.
Taking these drugs, if you drink a lot of water but will dilute the drug, to cover the drug particles in the reduction of gastric mucosal damage, protective film thinning, loss of therapeutic effect. Moreover, services such stomach half an hour and do not drink water, drink plenty of water for a short time, the same will just wash away the protective film formed, so that re-exposure to impaired gastric acid in the corrosive.
Therefore, taking the treatment of gastric ulcer drug, just water delivery service go to the tablets, not more water. Or you can just chew some stomach swallowed without water, the patient medication instructions before you see the mark is used.
With this way of taking the same drugs were also cough, such as cough syrup, brown mixture and so on. These drugs than the thick, the adhesion after taking drugs in the throat, directly on the lesion site, which play a role in inflammation. If you drink too much water, will wash away the active ingredients of drugs throat, so that local drug concentration decreased.
Experts advise patients to take treatment of gastric ulcer, cough, pharyngitis and other drugs, drink as little as possible, these drugs are usually indicated on the instructions, take medicine before you read them carefully. If you want to drink plenty of water should be half an hour after taking the drug, such as membrane stability or to protect the drugs time, the amount of water.
The following are what you need in the stomach before meals or after meals:
1. Need to take in the stomach before meals
Stomachic pediatric powder, gentian rhubarb pieces, stomach Po, gastritis capsules, mainly by means of their bitter taste buds and stimulate peripheral nerves, promote the secretion of saliva and gastric juice should be taken before meals, and taking sugar when you can not join and fruit juices. In addition, sucralfate, colloidal bismuth pectin, bismuth potassium citrate and other gastric mucosal protective agent, or ulcers due to inflammation in the formation of a protective film at, so also need to take before meals.
Gastrointestinal drug motilium (domperidone), metoclopramide (metoclopramide), cisapride (Prepulsid), etc., should be taking 30 minutes before meals. Because they are the gastrointestinal motility drugs, so can not spasmolytic such as belladonna tablets, such as combined anisodamine.
2. The need of the stomach after meals
Zhuxiaohuayao Multienzyme, six Divine Comedy, Lactasin (Table Feiming) and so need to take 15 minutes after meals, it will give the drug and food mixing together, maximizing utility.
Antacids Wei Shuping, famotidine, etc. in the maximum amount of gastric acid secretion after a meal service, fewer ulcers can be stimulated, is conducive to repair ulcers.