
experts teach you how to prevent gastric ulcer in winter

Winter is the high incidence of gastro-intestinal, and gastric ulcer is one of the most common symptoms. Anti-gastric ulcer in winter, playing in winter, "Paul stomach war!"

Gastric ulcer if not treated, may be bleeding, gastric perforation, pyloric obstruction, and malignant and other serious consequences. Today, however, many people have to be careful.

Gastric ulcer patients should always pay attention to further damage in their daily lives to pay attention to warm cold, emotional adjustment, diet based on the soft diet, giving up smoking, try to avoid the use of anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, etc. damage to gastric mucosa of the drug. Concrete should be the following:

A diet

Eat regularly, regular meals, quantitative, not overeating, not hungry eat impermanence. To meal time meal time, or excessive secretion of gastric acid can damage gastric mucosa. Overeating not only increase the burden on his stomach, and sometimes can result in acute gastric dilatation and stimulate the stomach to secrete more acid, not conducive to the ulcer repair. Ulcer patients can Eat small meals often can not be fed at each meal, reduce the burden on the stomach, is conducive to ulcer repair, but should not eat before going to bed.

Diet should be fine, avoid eating spicy food and difficult to digest food. Ulcer patients should be fine to digest foods, eat more foods rich in vitamins. Vitamin can increase the gastric mucosal protein synthesis, and promote mucosal repair. Mainly vegetarian, with meat and vegetables, eat fruit in order to meet the body needs and maintain smooth stool. Bland food such as hot pot, and frying, the food will dry hard gastrointestinal mucosa congestion, stimulate gastric acid secretion, are likely to cause ulcers. Spirits, tea, coffee and other beverages will stimulate gastric acid secretion, increased gastric mucosal damage, not suitable for drinking.

Develop good eating habits. 1. Fully chew. Chewing is the first food digestion process in the stomach for further digestion of food prepared well. Eating too fast, not chewing food adequately, inadequate secretion of digestive juice, the Food and difficult to fully digest, will increase the ulcer damage. Fast pace of work to develop better eating habits offensive rhythm. 2. Not while being read to eat. Since reading a lot of blood supply the brain, gastrointestinal system, the relative reduction of blood supply, affecting digestion and absorption, increase the burden on the digestive system. 3. Do not squat to eat. Take it that way so that blood vessels by squeezing the abdomen and digestive tract, it will also reduce the gastrointestinal blood supply.

Second, appropriate exercise and health

Sports: appropriate exercise such as walking, jogging, shadow boxing, so that speed up the stomach and intestines, promote food digestion and absorption of nutrients and can improve gastrointestinal blood circulation, promote metabolism, delay the aging of the digestive system. However, excessive movement sharply, the blood supply to muscles and other sports priority organs, reduced blood supply to the gastrointestinal tract is not conducive to digestion and absorption.

Third, living conditioning

Adjust the rhythm of life. Bad rhythm of life, such as playing cards day and night, hyperthyroidism can promote gastric acid secretion, induced ulcer disease, or arterial function contracture of the stomach, causing gastric mucosal ischemia and hypoxia.

Fourth, patients need to adhere to the treatment of gastric ulcer

Many young people had not taken seriously after ulcer disease, dead or arbitrary rule, random stopping medication, and even everyday life is still its own way, repeated use of anti-inflammatory drugs

