
Notes gastric ulcer treatment?

Prevention: the prevention of gastric ulcer may cause the following factors:

1. Smoking smokers than non-smokers was higher than 2 times the ulcer disease, smoking can affect the promotion of ulcer healing and ulcer recurrence, and its possible mechanisms:

(1) Smoking can promote the secretion of gastric acid and pepsin, an increase in the original.

(2) smoking may inhibit pancreatic secretion of HCO3-salt, thereby weakening the bulb in and the ability of the acidic liquid.

(3) Smoking may affect the function of the pyloric sphincter closure caused bile reflux, gastric mucosal barrier damage; smoking can delay gastric emptying and gastroduodenal motility effects.

(4) Smoking can affect the stomach and duodenal mucosa in prostaglandin synthesis, reducing the amount of mucus and mucosal blood flow, thereby reducing the mucosal defenses.

2. Food wine, coffee, tea, Coca-Cola and other beverages can stimulate gastric acid secretion increased, easily induced ulcer disease. Eat low-fiber refined foods than those who eat high fiber high incidence of ulcers. Some people think that there may be multi-residue foods to promote epidermal growth factor, or increase the role of prostaglandin release.

3. Mental factors long-term mental stress, anxiety or mood swings in people prone to ulcers. In stress may promote the secretion of gastric motor function and enhanced gastric acid secretion increased and accelerated gastric emptying, and because the sympathetic nerve to the stomach and duodenum vasoconstriction, decreased mucosal blood flow, weakening the mucous membrane itself defense function.

4. Drug long-term oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs about 10% to 25% in patients with ulcer disease, in which gastric ulcers are more common. In addition to drugs on the role of direct stimulation of the gastroduodenal mucosa, but mainly because these drugs inhibit cyclooxygenase activity in vivo synthesis of prostaglandins in the mucosa decreased, weakening the mucous membrane in rats. Aspirin is the original fat-soluble, can penetrate the epithelial mucosal barrier of the cell membrane damage.

