If you suffer from ulcers, occurs when any of the following case, it should immediately go to hospital for treatment, the relevant inspection.
First, the changing nature of pain.
Second, significant weight loss.
Third, there a fixed mass.
Fourth, it can not explain the black.
Smoking will increase the gastritis, ulcer disease condition is not conducive to gastritis, peptic ulcer healing.
The major impact of smoking on the stomach has the following three points:
1. Increase the incidence of stomach. Study found that the incidence of ulcer disease of smokers non-smokers in the 2 to 4 times;
2. Reduce the cure rate of stomach. Someone has compared to the same chronic gastritis or ulcer disease patients using the same drug treatment, non-smoking group, the cure rate was 90%, while only 63% of the smoking group;
3. Easily lead to relapse. Withdrawal of these two groups were compared after one year, non-smoking group the recurrence rate was 53%, 84% smokers. Smoking and nicotine increase the stomach is the culprit, it can paralyze the nervous system, disruption of normal gastrointestinal motility, pyloric sphincter to relax, gallbladder, bile is easy to make alkaline gastric reflux, resulting in damage to gastric mucosa. At the same time, it can also promote an increase in gastric acid secretion, inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis, thereby reducing the secretion of gastric mucus. These can lead to stomach problems.
How do diet control gastric ulcer?
1. Should eat more nutritious, easy to digest food. Usually the nutrient-rich, with less waste, easy to chew, easy to digest food better. If serious or a small amount of bleeding ulcers when the liquid diet should be suitable, such as milk, batter, rice, etc., so that patients can not only supply more nutrients, and milk can neutralize stomach acid, are beneficial to stop the bleeding, but to avoid fresh broth, chicken soup and sweets, because they can induce gastric acid secretion, ulcer healing adversely.
2. Eat or not eat fried food, eat cold, strong or hot food. Fried or fried foods or cold, strong, hot food not only digestible, but also to promote gastric acid hypersecretion, ulcers direct injury. In addition, the hot food also make blood vessels expand, likely to cause stomach bleeding. The bland food such as chilli, curry, excessive salt, soy sauce, spices and candy, coffee, tea, tobacco etc., can stimulate gastric ulcers and increase the gastric acidity, it should try to avoid eating.
3. Should be regular meals to avoid hunger satiety, develop good eating habits. Dining on time every day, every meal should have a basic quantitative food intake, eating too much, cause an excessive burden on the stomach. Eat too little food can not fully neutralize stomach acid, may cause the stomach to digest their own or because of ulcers caused by gastric acid stimulation of pain.