Ulcer disease with recurrent abdominal pain on the rhythm of clinical features, often accompanied by heating, back to acid, hot, noisy and feeling, and even nausea, vomiting, vomiting blood, blood in the stool. Locally in the gastrointestinal round, oval chronic ulcers. Diet therapy is the prevention and treatment an important part of ulcer disease. Patients in the diet should pay attention to the following:
Digestible nutrients should be used to strengthen, with enough energy, protein and vitamin rich food. Such as rice, spaghetti, milk, soft rice, milk, eggs, lean meat, tofu and soy products; rich in vitamins A, B, C of the foods such as fresh vegetables and fruit.
These foods can enhance the body resistance to help repair damaged tissue and promote ulcer healing. Pantothenic acid number of patients should use less milk.
Multi residue limits should avoid eating fried food, fried food and more crude fiber containing celery, chives, bean sprouts, ham, bacon, dried fish and a variety of whole grains. These foods do not digest not only rough, but would cause a large number of secretion of gastric juice and increased the burden on the stomach. But made into purée and other easily digestible food you eat.
Do not eat food forbidden to eat a big irritant to stimulate gastric acid secretion in foods such as broth, raw onions, raw garlic, fruit juice, coffee, wine, tea, etc., and too sweet, too sour, salty, hot, raw, Cold, hard and other food. Sweets can increase gastric acid secretion and stimulate the ulcer worse; hot foods stimulate the ulcers, causing pain, ulcers resulting layer of blood vessels to dilate and cause bleeding; spicy foods to stimulate the ulcer, the gastric acid secretion; cold, excellent food does not digest, can be worse. In addition, ulcer patients should stop smoking, the nicotine in tobacco can change the pH of gastric juice, disrupting the normal pyloric activity, induce or aggravate ulcer disease.
To properly cook by steaming, roasting, frying, stewing and other law better. Fried, fried, smoked and other cooked food is not digestible, long residence time in the stomach, affecting the healing of ulcers.
To establish a reasonable system of eating regular meals diet.
Slowly, less talk, do not read newspaper, do not watch TV; to keep thinking of relaxation, the spirit of stealing fast. Ulcer activity in the period to eating liquid or semi-liquid, digestible, nutritious food as well. Scholars ulcer patients previously had developed a system of frequent meals to avoid fullness or hunger. Recent studies suggest that, despite eating may temporarily relieve pain, but small meals often continue to stimulate gastric acid secretion, gastric acid secretion in the active state in the entire said, obviously not conducive to ulcer healing. Therefore, in addition to acute exacerbation of concurrent bleeding, vomiting blood when the short-term small meals often, the usual daily meals should adhere to a regular eating.
Open water egg cure:
1 egg into the bowl, stir with chopsticks, with boiling water; the cooked edible. Modern medicine, open water soft eggs. Easily digested and absorbed by the stomach, can greatly reduce the burden on the stomach, is conducive to healing of ulcer lesions. Egg yolk contains lecithin, can be formed in the gastric mucosal surface hydrophobicity of a thin layer of the gastric mucosa has a strong protective effect against harmful factors and the role of intrusion defense.
To avoid dry stool of patients, the need to eat some agar, bananas, honey and other foods can relax, this ulcer patients is very important.